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    • Ministry of agriculture pay close attention to the monitoring of veterinary drug residues and bacterial drug resistance

      On the morning of maach 7,the information center of the first session of the 13th national people's congress help a press conference at the multi-function hall of the Medea center,inviting han changfu,minister of agricure,pan xianzheng,spokesman and chief of staff of the Ministry of agriculture to answer questions from chinese and foreign journalists on the implementation of the strategy of rural revitation to promote agricultural transformation and upgrading.

      2018-04-08 2178

    • Notice of the Ministry of agriculture on doing a good job in 2018 slaughter industry management

      All provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government,animal husbandry and veterinary(agriculture and animal husbandry,agriculture)department(bureau,Committee,office),the xinjiang production and construction corps animal husbandry and veterinary bureau:

      2018-04-08 3012

    • Two sessions focusing on food safety hot spots

      2018 is the start year of fully implementing the spirit of the party's 19th national congress,is the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up,is a decisive year to build a well-off society in an all-round way,the implentation of the “13th five-year plan”connecting the past and the next,all localities actively plan to deepen reform,promote the develoment of high-quality economy,showing the new style of the new era.

      2018-04-08 14778

    • Opinions of the general administration of food and drug administration on further strengthening the work of shuangan shuangchuang

      Provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the central government,xinjijang production and construction corps and cities specifically designated in the state plan for food safety office(food and drug administration),agriculture(agriculture and animal husbandry rural economy),animal husbandry,veterinary medicine,fishery(water conservancy)hall(bureau,Committee,office)

      2018-04-08 45656

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